On the road to our Dream Home

Saturday 3 March 2007

Send a man to do a womans job!!!

and this is what happens! NOT VERY MUCH!! can anyone spot the difference? I believe there is just one difference between these photos and last weeks. If anyone can tell me of anymore, then maybe they'll win a prize!! So, this is what happens when nice people like Pete and I sit back and let the workers do their thing..nothing! We spoke to our next door neighbour when we got home and she said that her and her husband had to keep on Dennis Homes' back to get things done, otherwise they go at a snails pace. Well, no more Mr and Mrs Nice Guy! Pete is going to call up on Monday and vent a few grievances with the Customer Service Section. The house across the road has had their roof done, their plumbing done and their bricks have arrived and have been set up around the house ready to be done. They are there everyday seeing what's up, and we only go once a week. Doesn't it pay to be nice and stay in the background and let the job get done?! I don't think so...oh, and the one difference between the photos is that our guttering has been done!! woohooooo Mood today: Not very Impressed :o(


  • At least if it rains the guttering is up. Seriously though it is typical of builders they do many houses at the same time. Just try stopping payment for a week and see what happens

    By Blogger Martin Hayman, At 3 March 2007 at 5:59 pm  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 4 March 2007 at 6:04 pm  

  • lol, well im pretty sure i can spot a difference! there is an empty plastic bag near the front door that last week was full of something.I bet next week u will go there and they will have done heaps! love lisa

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 4 March 2007 at 6:11 pm  

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