On the road to our Dream Home

Saturday 17 March 2007

Special Delivery.......!!

................And that delivery was our bricks..yipee, one more thing to get excited about!!! After annoying the heck out of Pete for the last few months by asking him everytime we passed a house if they were like the bricks we are getting, I finally saw them again! I know they look a little different when they are in the pellet to what they will look like when they are forming the walls, but we really liked them, so that is a huge relief. I'd hate to think I'd have to walk up to our house with my eyes shut everytime as I didn't like the brick, not to mention I'd probably trip over or possibly end up in the next door neighbours lounge room!! So, the progress this week was the internal plumbing seems to have been done as there were things where our taps would go, and all sorts of hoses hanging from the ceiling and weaving in and out of the wood work to all different places. I think the gas pipes have been done as well. I went across the road and bribed..I mean spoke to the brickie and he said he should be starting our brickwork either Tuesday or Wednesday. They haven't wrapped that stuff around our house yet, but he said he starts on the garage, so that stuff wasn't needed in there, as it's probably forms part of the insulation and I dont think you need that in the garage. Pete called Dennis Homes this week and they said that things are still on track and the house should be at lock-up stage in the next couple of weeks!


  • Hiya Carolann,

    It's brooke here - the one that drives Pete nuts all day at work.

    I love your blog i think it's great, it's nice to here the other side of what is happening, and to actually see the house Pete talks about all the time.

    I know the house will be great!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 20 March 2007 at 9:43 pm  

  • Hi Brooke,

    I'm glad you like the blog, I really enjoy doing it and I think the stress of building a new home needs a bit of humour at times. We've been very lucky everything is going well so far *touch wood*. Thanks for reading it and I hope you'll continue on this ride with us!!

    By Blogger carolann, At 21 March 2007 at 7:12 pm  

  • wow, its looking great.Nice bricks !lisa

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 25 March 2007 at 12:19 pm  

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