On the road to our Dream Home

Sunday 17 June 2007

And So the End is Near!!

I should have made a bet with Pete this week that the tiling would be done because I would have won. Yes siree folks, the tiling has indeed be done, inside and out. The only bit that hasn't been tiled is, yep, you guessed it, the end of the ensuite where the spa has to be installed. Don't get me started on that spa again! Ok, so you want to know what drama it has been this time..you know you want to. This week we have been told that yes, the spa has indeed been ordered but shock horror, they are having trouble getting the black headrests we want,so there is a delay on them. Once again this means a 'we'll get back to you on that' phone call..so we shall wait and see what happens. I tell you, sometimes I just feel like getting a blow up kiddies pool, setting it up in the corner and getting Pete to sit in it and blow bubbles at me!! I just want this done, well we both do, and seeing as we are still being told the build is still on track and we should be in it around this time next month, then someone better get a wriggle on! The final inspection is still supposed to be around the 25th of this month..oooohhhh, thats only 9 days away!! Pete and I have both got the 6th of July off..and that seems a more likely date, but lets just wait and see.
Ok, so work done this week has been..tiling as I mentioned..very happy with how that all looks and the alfresco in my opinion looks great. The painter did all those wooden bits above the windows as you can see from the pictures, and we are happy we picked that red colour as it blends in well with the bricks. Also, the red has been used in the wood above the alfresco and we are happy with that. The front doors, metre box and all the drain pipes have been painted as well.
As I said last week we are more then happy with our colour selection regarding the tiles. You don't realise how big an area they fill until you actually see them laid, so someone is going to be kept busy keeping those clean..any takers? I like how they dont put skirting boards in any of the wet areas, and actually cut a tile in half and have a row of them around the bottom of the walls..much easier for that tile cleaner I think.
One thing we were very happy with is our walk in robe. The cupboards and shelves have all been done and it looks great..so many shelves and drawers and hanging spaces..It isn't the layout we have on our plans, but shhhhhhhh..the one we have looks heaps better!
As we are having a rainwater tank at the back of the house, there has been an area boxed in and readied for that to be installed. You should see the guy next doors one..it is huge!! We spoke to him yesterday and he said thank goodness the fences hadn't been done or there would have been a problem getting that down the side of his house. Once the fence is up we wont see too much of it, so thats a good thing.
The house across the road looks about ready to move into. A big clue for that fact was the workers toilet has been removed..so cant wait till ours has gone too or we'll move in and have passers by dropping in to use it haha
A few near neighbours have dropped soil off at the back of the house..we knew there were going to be a few loads of it but there ended up being over 20!! But they will all be put to good use. *Marks calender for working bee for family and friends in near future*
On another good note, we went out for lunch today and I suggested we go and have a look at a few furniture places. We ended up buying our new bed, a double and 2 single reclining theatre chairs and an entertainment unit for our theatre room. Now, I just have to find somewhere that sells inflatable pools for that ensuite!!


  • Wow!!! Everything is coming together!!
    I envy you for your walk in robe and your kitchen.

    Good idea to have the kitchen can be open from the other side as well.

    I've got to say that I cant wait to see furniture and colours to be brought in to add some colours.

    Well done!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 18 June 2007 at 7:19 pm  

  • Wow!!! Everything is coming together!!
    I envy you for your walk in robe and your kitchen.

    Good idea to have the kitchen can be open from the other side as well.

    I've got to say that I cant wait to see furniture and colours to be brought in to add some colours.

    Well done!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 18 June 2007 at 7:20 pm  

  • well well well! Cant beleive it looks like a REAL house now hehe, you know what i mean! Bet you are getting SO excited! Cant wait to see it all complete with your furniture and all
    Jess xxxxxxxx

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 10 July 2007 at 9:27 pm  

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