On the road to our Dream Home

Saturday 12 May 2007

Is It Really Classed as Breaking and Entering?

If we aren't the ones who broke in, but we did enter??? That is the question to ponder about this week. Let me start from the beginning. Pete and I arrived at the house and first thing we noticed is that we have 3 piles of dirt dumped at the back of the house. That is a good thing as one of our neighbours had arranged for this to be done as way of a thank you for the bricks he got from us. I noticed that the garage internal door has now been fitted but there was no handle and just a screw screwed in to prevent (yeah right) any attempts to enter the house.This was a bummer for my chief photographer as it meant he had to be happy (which he wasn't) with taking pictures of the inside, from the outside..and all that sunglare and my reflection as I was sticky nosing inside just did not help. So after a bit of sulking and a few photos we went down to our neighbours to thank him for the dirt. A few cars drove past us heading towards our house and they parked outside. Imagine my surprise when they all got out and started opening the security fence and were heading towards our house! I walked back and yelled out "Hi..this is my house" and one of the women said she thought it might be and that she was working for Dennis Homes and wanted to show prospective clients around our house. I thought this was a bit cheeky, and the thought of people walking around inside our house without us there was a bit annoying, but technically it isn't our house till handover. So anyway, she produced keys and thought they'd be able to open the front door, which they didn't, so she then produced a screwdriver and removed the screw in the garage door. This cheered up chief photographer to no end as he now had clear run of the inside of the house!! I think he actually skipped inside with a big grin!! Anyway, we have a kitchen! Most of the cupboards have been installed and we are really happy with the colour and particularly the handles, and think they look great (so did our fellow breaker-inners (doubt if that is even a word, but who cares..hehe) Most of the doors have been hung and we are very pleased we got the type we did. And our bathroom and ensuite and powder room cupboards and benchtops have been done and we LOVE the colour we chose for that. It looks great against the soft grey doors and the black handles once again, very nice. Still nothing to do with the spa has been done, ie, the boxing in or whatever it's called, but all in good time. Just the size of the ensuite is great, and actually we just are really happy with the size of all the rooms. Now the kitchen cupboards are in you can see the spot that is meant for the fridge and I thought it was too small and also the cavity for the double oven didn't look large enough. Thankfully the guy who came in had a tape measure and he measured it up and I've checked and everything's good. Oh and only being able to look in through windows is not always good. I was looking in the laundry and that sink and cupboard has been installed and I notice the hole for the pipe that comes from the washing machine was on the right hand side which means I'd have to stretch it over the whole sink to fit into the hole. I thought this was a bit weird and thought maybe we needed a left hand cupboard and not a right hand one (if there are such things), so we made a mental note to add it to our list to discuss with Dennis Homes next time we talked to them. Once we actually got inside, I checked it out and there is a removable piece so you can use either side..problem fixed! easy. I think our only main concern is the internal door from the garage. It definately is not straight and will have to be fixed, it needs to come down a bit on the left, not sure if that is such an easy fix, but it will have to be done. You know how when you know something isn't quite right, it bugs you, and even though others might not notice..well, we do, and so near enough isn't good enough.


  • Hey Carolanne,

    Brooke again - after a few weeks i have finally worked out how to leave a message again (aqnd it hads absolotly nothing to do with Pete bugging me every day)

    WOW the house looks as so it will be HUGE!! I'm so excited for you guys - by the time i come back from my holiday your house will probably be finished and you will be in there. fingers crossed.

    C ya later

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 13 May 2007 at 3:13 pm  

  • Hi Brooke,

    Good to hear from you again. I'm glad you take a look at our blog, and am sorry Pete bugs you constantly to read it. At least he wont ask you this week if you've read it because I've just told him you left a message . We are very excited, more so now as we can really see the progress inside and can imagine ourselves there. You will have to take the long trip up and see it for yourself when you get back from your holiday..we'd love to have you! I hope you have a safe trip and enjoy your break!

    By Blogger carolann, At 13 May 2007 at 7:39 pm  

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