On the road to our Dream Home

Friday 30 March 2007

Let's All Say...

DUHHHH!! I knew...well we knew that we were right all this time. The ensuite window is wrong and is in the wrong position. I mean how hard is it to read those really confusing plans. If Pete and I can..anyone can! And we aren't even special plan readers, ie architects or engineers..but we knew...ohhhh we knew from the very minute we reached the top of the hill and looked down at the house all those weeks ago! You see, we wanted the window to sit at the top of the spa, so that I or Pete or we (giggle) could look out and see what will eventually be some lovely fernery, or private garden area..which would also be hard at the moment because the silly special plan readers missed that bit of info and gave us a opaque (fuzzy glass) window when it should have been clear. So, just say the house was done now..I, or Pete, or we (giggle again) would be sitting in the spa, staring at the tiles on the wall, because the window is not clear and it is too high up right now. Anyway, our brilliant site supervisor, after weeks of phone calls from Pete, finally agreed yesterday that the window does in fact need to be moved..so let's all say duhhhhhh.
Okay, so today we were a little disappointed with the fact that the brickwork hasn't been finished, but there was still a fair bit that had been done. The whole back wall has been finished, the alfresco is almost done and the portico has been started, so we can see how the pillars are taking shape. We really do love the bricks, so Pete gets a pat on the back for picking them..who's a clever boy then?! I took control of the plans and the tape measure and after I figured out how to work it (thanks Simon!) I measured the outside wall to see just how far up, or down as the case may be that the window will have to be moved. It looks like 3 rows of bricks will have to be taken out *gulp*..but if the brains of the team, aka Michael the site manager, had realised there was a mistake with this window when it was first put in, then it would have been easy to fix..but noooooo..he is only a man after all haha I will just have to have faith that this will be fixed and lockup stage will still be reached by Easter, which is what we were told last night by the oh so clever Michael (who's just a man afterall) or else, I wont be paying them. Ahhh the power of a woman who is in charge of the finances!!! Oh yeah, one more thing..looks like the telephone cable has been installed. Maybe if I'd had that there a few weeks ago, I could have called someone about that damn window right away!! haha

Saturday 24 March 2007

All in all it's just.......

Another Brick in the Wall!!
or so the words to Pink Floyds song goes. Yes, we were very happy to see that our mate 'the brickie' has been working fairly hard this week. Considering the warm windy weather and the rain we've had , he was a real trooper and bricked up our garage and midway up the windows on the bedrooms side of the house. I have to say we are very happy with the brick colour, and the funny thing is that after all the months of asking Pete to show me any house that had the same colour brick..and this is really funny...the house next door to where we are living now has them! you've gotta laugh huh!! It also seems like the plumbers have been in an done some more work as there are even more pipes sticking out of walls, and both shower bases have been delivered and are sitting where I presume they are supposed to be, and good job that, because I really didn't fancy showering in the theatre room!!
The electricians (or sparkys for those in the know) were also in and all the power point brackets (that will be hidden behind the walls) have been put in place, as well as the light switches.
The wrapping of the house was done, so it looks like a big green present..without a bow, mind you....but I will forgive them, because that's just the kind of girl I am!
Lucky for all you who love me, because I almost disappeared in a pool of quicksand!! Okay, so it was only a bit muddy, but I happened to find it and my shoes came out the worse for wear. *Note to self* Buy gumboots for Pete and I..because...yes, he stood in it too!!!!!

Saturday 17 March 2007

Special Delivery.......!!

................And that delivery was our bricks..yipee, one more thing to get excited about!!! After annoying the heck out of Pete for the last few months by asking him everytime we passed a house if they were like the bricks we are getting, I finally saw them again! I know they look a little different when they are in the pellet to what they will look like when they are forming the walls, but we really liked them, so that is a huge relief. I'd hate to think I'd have to walk up to our house with my eyes shut everytime as I didn't like the brick, not to mention I'd probably trip over or possibly end up in the next door neighbours lounge room!! So, the progress this week was the internal plumbing seems to have been done as there were things where our taps would go, and all sorts of hoses hanging from the ceiling and weaving in and out of the wood work to all different places. I think the gas pipes have been done as well. I went across the road and bribed..I mean spoke to the brickie and he said he should be starting our brickwork either Tuesday or Wednesday. They haven't wrapped that stuff around our house yet, but he said he starts on the garage, so that stuff wasn't needed in there, as it's probably forms part of the insulation and I dont think you need that in the garage. Pete called Dennis Homes this week and they said that things are still on track and the house should be at lock-up stage in the next couple of weeks!

Friday 9 March 2007

Someone is Very Lucky!

and that someone is whoever is in charge of doing things on our house, because they did not have to incur the wrath of me ringing them up and complaining that nothing has been done..well, okay then, puppy dog Pete would have called and dealt with them..but I would have been thinking realllly mean things!! We have a roof!!! so if it starts raining men, like that song says..I guess I'll be missing out..cos we have a roof!! For all those who didn't get it...we have a roof!! Yes, we drove up to the block, ( well actually we should start calling it a house..cos it's got a roof!) and were happy to see that work had been done again this week. Not too much to speak of, but the one thing we wanted done was done, and as we have decided, as long as each week when we go up to our (house with a roof) that something has been done...then we'll be happy. And then the builders will be happy because they don't have to imagine all those mean things I'm thinking about them!! As I am not a builder and have never seen one on site to ask, I don't know all the correct terminology for what's been going on, so, in my words..the roof tiles are done..we have sheets of alfoil-like substance on one side of the house (inside of course). They've removed some of the extra beam things that were in my way as I tried to walk around the inside..thankfully these weren't required anymore..or I'd have been crawling around inside, after the roof had caved in HAHA!! See, so not much to talk about this week, oh, but just in case you missed it...WE HAVE A ROOF!!!!!

Saturday 3 March 2007

Send a man to do a womans job!!!

and this is what happens! NOT VERY MUCH!! can anyone spot the difference? I believe there is just one difference between these photos and last weeks. If anyone can tell me of anymore, then maybe they'll win a prize!! So, this is what happens when nice people like Pete and I sit back and let the workers do their thing..nothing! We spoke to our next door neighbour when we got home and she said that her and her husband had to keep on Dennis Homes' back to get things done, otherwise they go at a snails pace. Well, no more Mr and Mrs Nice Guy! Pete is going to call up on Monday and vent a few grievances with the Customer Service Section. The house across the road has had their roof done, their plumbing done and their bricks have arrived and have been set up around the house ready to be done. They are there everyday seeing what's up, and we only go once a week. Doesn't it pay to be nice and stay in the background and let the job get done?! I don't think so...oh, and the one difference between the photos is that our guttering has been done!! woohooooo Mood today: Not very Impressed :o(